The Spoken Word Captured in Written Form
We capture what people say a nice, neat and convenient form: transcripts.
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Cities - How to Stop Filling Landfills with Your Dead Buildings
Webinar #1 Featuring:
Shawn Wood and Ted Reiff
One-hour Panel discussion webinar hosted by Larry LaMotte, CEO of ReCapturit. This was an Introductory conversation about Deconstruction of dead buildings with experts Shawn Wood and Ted Reiff.
Package includes:
Written transcript of the entire online event... plus- - The public chat content
- - The slides
- - The link to the permanent location of the video recording of the event.
- - It's all in one place!
Turn Trash into Triumph – Ignite Your City's Deconstruction Revolution Now
Webinar #2 Featuring:
Stephanie Phillips
One-hour Panel discussion webinar hosted by Larry LaMotte, CEO of ReCapturit. Guest Stephanie Phillips talks about the benefits and challenges of bringing reuse and deconstruction to San Antonio, Texas
Package includes:
- - Written transcript of the entire online event... plus
- - The public chat content
- - The slides
- - The link to the permanent location of the video recording of the event.
- - It's all in one place!
What's the Treasure in Trash for Your City? – Benefits of DEconstruction
Webinar #3 Featuring:
Jessica Marschall and Leila Nattagh
One-hour Panel discussion webinar hosted by Larry LaMotte, CEO of ReCapturit. This was a panel discussion about Benefits of DEconstruction in financial terms and more with experts Jessica Marschall and Leila Nattagh.
Package includes:
- - Written transcript of the entire online event... plus
- - The public chat content
- - The slides
- - The link to the permanent location of the video recording of the event.
- - It's all in one place!
Your City Needs This: Turning One-and-Done Into Again-and-Again
Webinar #4 Featuring:
Eric Law and Andrew Ellsworth
One-hour Panel discussion webinar hosted by Larry LaMotte, CEO of ReCapturit. This panel discussion dug into the innovative ideas and tools of these two companies and how innovation is so needed.
Package includes:
Written transcript of the entire online event... plus- - The public chat content
- - The slides
- - The link to the permanent location of the video recording of the event.
- - It's all in one place!
Cities - Part It Out to Start It Out!
Webinar #5 Featuring:
Garr Punnett and Jean Paul Miralda
This energetic one-hour Panel discussion webinar hosted by Larry LaMotte, CEO of ReCapturit with Garr Punnett and Jean Paul Miralda was an inspiring session about how to look at "what is" to determine "what can be" in the complex setting of a city or region.
Package includes:
Written transcript of the entire online event... plus- - The public chat content
- - The slides
- - The link to the permanent location of the video recording of the event.
- - It's all in one place!
Mining for Resources within Your City Limits
Webinar #6 Featuring:
Dave Bennink and Michael Olen.
Our two panelists joined host Larry LaMotte, CEO of ReCapturit in this one-hour discussion about "Urban Mining," its opportunities and pitfalls. What is it? What promise does it hold to reduce waste and increase reuse?
Package includes:
Written transcript of the entire online event... plus- - The public chat content
- - The slides
- - The link to the permanent location of the video recording of the event.
- - It's all in one place!
Ready to become a champion for REUSE and DECONSTRUCTION?
Click here to secure your Introductory call: