Instructions on how to mark a Seller Store on ReCapturit as a favorite of yours.
It makes us very happy when our Buyers find a particular Seller Store on ReCapturit that they think is super special, and they want to show the world with that little ❤️. Our Sellers love it even more! We make it easy for you to show your love, and also make it easy for you to save those favorite stores in your profile.
Because we're helping you keep track of your favorite stores and items, you first need to register as a Buyer on ReCapturit. But don't's easy (all you need is an email address and password) and there are lots of advantages. If you haven't already, just click here to get to the Buyer Registration Form.
Once you are signed into your account, go to the Seller Store you've decided to "favorite" You will see a Heart and the words Mark as Favorite Store just to the right of the Seller Store name.
You can also favorite a Seller Store from the list of All Seller Stores -
Go ahead and click on the heart, or where it says Mark as Favorite Store.
You should get a brief message that the Store has been marked as a Favorite. Sometimes you will not see the heart turn solid until you refresh the page.
You can also go to your account, and look at the column on the left to see your profile. Under profile you will see Wishlists/Favorites -
Under My Favorites, click on Shops. There you will see the list of any Seller Stores you have marked as favorites.
Thanks! We ❤️ you for being part of the ReCapturit Community!