Do I have to pay taxes on items I sell on ReCapturit?

Yes in many cases but, we do most of that work for you!*

  1. You do not have to set up tax accounts in all the other states that the materials you sell on ReCapturit go to. We do that for you! 
  2. You do not have to know what Nexus Thresholds and Marketplace Facilitator States and Streamlined Sales Tax laws are. We do that for you! 
  3. You do not have to monitor the amounts of sales into other states to know when you owe. We do that for you!
  4. This all said though, we strongly urge you to both review and inspect for accuracy all reports for sales taxes handled on your behalf with your professional accountant, after all, you are ultimately responsible for payment of taxes on all sales you make. 

State Sales taxes - There are complex laws governing the way that individual states may tax items purchased within and outside of your state and every state. These laws affect you. We at ReCapturit took months researching the best possible way to assist you with calculating, collecting, and remitting state sales taxes, and we decided that rather than add that trouble and complexity to you, we would do all the heavy lifting. So, for sales both within the state you operate and to other states across the U.S.A., we calculate, collect, and remit state sales tax on your behalf. That saves you a LOT of trouble! 

Business tax or business income tax – please consult your accountant, tax attorney, and / or local authorities in the states and cities in which you operate.


* We are neither accountants nor attorneys, so we advise you to consult with those experts when it comes to taxes